I've had a few requests from my many, many readers (hi Dad!) to put my holiday craft show on the blog, so here it is!
It's gonna be a busy month, starting with the bg craft fest on Nov. 2.
Then it's up north Nov. 8 for the Sonoma Marketplace Shopping Center Fall Crafts Faire. (I don't have a poster for this one.)
Patchwork Creative: Modern Makers Festival is back at Jack London Square on Nov. 16 and then I get to take a week off before heading back up north for my return engagement at the Petaluma Holiday Crafterino!
So mark your calendars, spread the word and start your holiday shopping list ... I don't know about you but I'm dreaming of a crafty Christmas!
People who works there are some of the sweetest people I've met. Save yourself some time and just go there. Everyone at New York event venues is sweet and ask how you've been, even though normally staff keep their heads down.