Sunday, October 26, 2014

It's Craft Show Season!

I've had a few requests from my many, many readers (hi Dad!) to put my holiday craft show on the blog, so here it is!

It's gonna be a busy month, starting with the bg craft fest on Nov. 2.

Then it's up north Nov. 8 for the Sonoma Marketplace Shopping Center Fall Crafts Faire. (I don't have a poster for this one.)

Patchwork Creative: Modern Makers Festival is back at Jack London Square on Nov. 16 and then I get to take a week off before heading back up north for my return engagement at the Petaluma Holiday Crafterino!

So mark your calendars, spread the word and start your holiday shopping list ... I don't know about you but I'm dreaming of a crafty Christmas!

Fall Sewing Extravaganza